Structure & Limits

Structure new map
Structure old maps

Structure - Old maps

The high number of archaeological sites, spread over a great expanse of territory, leads us to create two map levels: the first one is an overview of the entire Syro-Anatolian region and from here it is possible click on specific regions for a more indepth view; the second one is a closer look of selected areas where archeological sites have been placed.
To quickly show the type of finds at each site, every site point is colour-coded depending on its finds:

  • RED indicates archaeological sites with text finds,
  • GREEN indicates sites with seal finds,
  • BLUE indicates sites with engraved object finds.

For every archaeological site there is a list of specifications, detailing the site's basic information (nation, province, geographical coordinates) and, naturally, information about its archaeological finds (type of inscription and quantity). When a clear identification of the exact location of minor finds was not possible, it was decided to mark the capital city of the province of origin of the finds in order to give a general idea of their location.

In addition, we facilitate the navigation listing all sites in a table, ordered by the name, with few basic geographical information and with the link to his area. In this way, it will be possible to access directly to a site’s area and see its position, knowning only its name.